IT Ukraine and Promprylad.Renovation signed the Strategic Partnership Memorandum - Promprylad. Renovation

IT Ukraine and Promprylad.Renovation signed the Strategic Partnership Memorandum

IT Ukraine and  Promprylad.Renovation signed the Strategic Partnership Memorandum. The main goal of a long-term cooperation is to promote the interests of Ukrainian IT business, its positive image and investment attractiveness at the national and international level, as well as the development of regional IT potential.


«Due to known reasons, the IT landscape of Ukraine is changing, new IT hubs are emerging, and we face a mass relocation of specialists. We acknowledge the importance of launching at this stage a necessary infrastructure and creative spaces for IT business in secure western regions of the country. This will preserve and strengthen the potential of the national IT industry. We are convinced that the innovative space of Promprylad.Renovation has every chance to become one of such hubs», – emphasized the Executive director of the Association Konstantin Vasyuk.


The partners will join their efforts to encourage the development of infrastructure and IT capabilities of Ukraine and Ivano-Frankivsk region for a rapid reconstruction of our country, digitalization of the Ukrainian nation and emerging of a new high-tech economy.


«The economic front is one of the most important in the war. The IT industry, in turn, is among the key elements of the national economy. Being in the west we have become a rear for the whole country in our common fight for Ukraine. Therefore, we are now joining forces with the Association “IT Ukraine” in order to create maximum support for the industry and open new opportunities for development even at this time», – comments on the start of a strategic partnership CEO Promprylad. Renovation Yuriy Fylyuk.


The joint strategy for the development of the IT industry envisages a variety of public events, research on the IT industry in Ukraine, educational and scientific projects aimed at training IT professionals, as well as mutual support in the media and cyberspace.


IT Ukraine is the largest community of IT companies, accounting for 50% of all IT revenues in Ukraine and uniting 27% of Ukrainian IT professionals. The association unites the interests of business, the state, and international partners for the development of the IT industry in Ukraine. Together with participating companies, IT clusters, and partners, it protects the interests of business and promotes the brand of Ukraine as a leading technological nation.